This is not the first time Muslims have taken over streets.
New York City and the Coming of Manhattanistan
On any Friday afternoon at the corner of 42nd and
Madison Ave you can expect to sit in traffic for up to two hours. Nothing will move and your taxi ride to the airport will be much more expensive. As bad as traffic is in Manhattan on a good day Friday afternoon is the pinnacle of that bad definition “rush hour”. No one rushes, and the reason has nothing to do with cars.
Madison Ave
On any given Friday at 42nd and Madison Ave there are hundreds of Muslims gathered, laying out prayer rugs, facing Mecca with butts up and praying the Friday prayer. Nothing matters to this bunch except the absolute need to disrupt traffic in the name of Allah. They not only take the streets but also the sidewalks and any other area they can get to. The right of Muslims to practice Islam in blatant disregard of the rights of others speaks volumes on the tolerance and bridge-building so lovingly spoken about by imam Rauf of the ground zero mosque/community center and others who support the “Cordoba Initiative.”
What is most disturbing about this gathering of law-breakers is the fact that law enforcement has done nothing to stop this egregious violation of city, and no doubt state and federal law. No mounted NYC police pushing them out of the intersection, no bullhorns commanding them to vacate the area, no traffic cops keeping the mechanical flow moving or any attempt to curtail their activity. This behavior is not even an isolated incident, it has been happening for months not only at 42nd but other locations as well.
Imagine if Christians one day decided to take over an intersection in the middle of Manhattan , put up a pulpit and began preaching to the assembled crowd. What if the local Rabbi and synagogue felt it necessary to use this street, every Saturday to deliver the Talmud. How about a gaggle of Mennonites or Amish, polluting the streets with horse droppings and preaching the gospel according to Jesus. They would be there less than the time it takes to hard boil an egg. The hijacking of a major street for the purpose of practicing ones religion, and law enforcement looking the other way violates the basic tenets of American constitutional law.
Muslims claim that they must take to the streets as they have no more room in their mosques. There is not one example of any other religion conquering an intersection in order to pray under the guise of “no more room.” When the church becomes full you build bigger. The number of available properties in New York right now provides for a buyers market, they could easily find and purchase for cheap the space they need rather than tying up traffic and demanding special treatment and rights.
The trend of Islam and Muslims to demand and expect special accommodations grows, and capitulation to those demands is on the rise. Deflecting awareness to this behavior occurs with accusations of Islamophobia, racism, hate-mongering and anti-Muslim hatred. These cries shut down any honest discussion about the reasons behind this traffic jihad and paint anyone opposing their actions as less than worthless. In Islam this deflection is called kitman and is part and parcel of fundamental Islamic ideology.
In Muslim countries a non-Muslim is expected to follow Muslim norms. With this praying in the streets in disregard of others it would appear that Muslims are demanding that in this non-Muslim country, we Americans must conform to Muslim norms. Is this what we really want?
The disappointment at local officials by the residents and workers in the areas that Muslims take over for Friday prayer is rising and the anger is palpable. Mayor Bloomberg has said nothing about it and only recently has the press reported on it, even though it has been happening for months. New York City , always known for being gritty, tough and loud is losing that label. Where are the tough guys, the guys you could count on to do the right thing when the chips were down? New Yorkers, how does it feel to know your police have no spine and your politicians no guts?
Welcome to Manhattanistan.

UPDATE-as originally reported this gathering was happening every Friday. Evidentally this is not accurate. The gathering is a once a year deal which happens during the Muslim Parade, held around the end of September. They supposedly have a permit to block the street. If so then police are within the law to NOT intervene. This update changes the parameters under which this prayer gathering occurs but does not change the way Islam is defined today, nor how some Muslims practice it. As legal as this is it does not show the positive, bridge-building, tolerant aspects of Islam so desperately claimed by those who demand Islam be seen as the "religion of peace". There are no Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Druid, Zoroastrian or any other faiths blocking streets in the name of their God. Only Islam demands this type of treatment. Updated 9-29-10