

Monday, August 30, 2010

Creeping sharia....what creeping sharia?

As the left travels further and further from reality they are helped by those who want to see the destruction of the west in order to bring about a new Amrerica, one which is so mullticulti women are second-class citizens, Christians and other non-Muslims will be either banned, subjugated or killed, and the worst part, no more BLTs!!
Time magazine, as the true dhimmi they are have seen fit to insult, degrade and castigate those who call for the support of freedom of speech, the equal rights of all people and the upholding of western culture and principals.
Pseudo-journalist Lisa Miller, in a most disingenuous and unbiased fashion, once again castigates those who fail to fall into lockstep with her call for tolerance.  Even as she admits there are problems within Islam, she fails to connect the dots as to why these problems exist, and offers no solutions except for the usual "Kumbayya" sheet music.
Insulting those you disagree with is not journalism.  Flingling mud at those who want nothing more than to uphold your right to attack them is stupid at best, dangerous at worst.  It is applying smear tactics instead of factual reporting.  Lisa Miller knows that she would not stand for the type of attacks she levels against those who oppose the GZ mosque yet has no trouble slinging poop.

Hippocrite.  Dangerous and ignorant, the worst traits for a journalist to have.

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