

Monday, July 20, 2015

Chattanooga jihadist seen at local gun range with three friends

But not to worry, they were just shooting BB guns, you see.

"According to a published CBS News report, the men reportedly shot rifles, BB guns and pistols last month"

Feel better now?

From WDEF July 18

Muhammad Abdulazeez reportedly spotted at gun range before deadly attack

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee(WDEF) - According to a tip that came into WDEF, Muhammad Abdulazeez was spotted at a gun range just weeks before killing four Marines and one Navy Petty Officer.

Abdulazeez was reportedly spotted with three other men who were wearing long beards like Abdulazeez. All four were reportedly practice shooting.

The claim has not been confirmed by law enforcement but several sources told WDEF the men were likely spotted at Prentice Cooper Gun Range.

When News 12 arrived at the gun range, several men who were practicing shooting said a man who claimed to be a former Marine arrived at the range Saturday morning and said he was doing his own investigation to see if Abdulazeez had been shooting at that location....