

Monday, August 23, 2010

What the MSM doesn't tell you about Islam and Muslims

Welcome to Islam Today Oregon.  As questions arise about Islam, Muslims and the world they inhabit it is difficult to get true, factual and real-time information about current events in Islamic countries, the voices behind the words, and the meaning behind the rhetoric.  Islam, as defined today by all four schools of Sunni and Shi'ite jurisprudence demands the death, subjugation or conversion of all non-Muslims, the institutionalisation of women as second-class citizens and mandates the conquest of all non-Muslim lands by all Muslims.  The words, actions and deeds of those charged with leading Islam are militaristic, patriarchal, xenophobic and dangerous, a cult-like belief which transcends any humanitarian concerns.  Until Islam has a reformation, or at least an enlightenment the world will be engaged, in the words of Sam Huntington "a clash of civilisations".  We stand as the vanguard of freedom, peace, honor and dignity for all and we will never give up, never give in.
"All Muslims are not terrorists, but(virtually) all terrorists are Muslim.

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