

Friday, August 3, 2012

FBI admits to holding, then releasing Al-Awlaki in 2002 even though he was on the list of most wanted

Not that this should really surprise anyone.  In the article, absent once again is any reference or mention of Islamic ideals, sharia or the omnipresent requirement to wage jihad against the unbelievers "wherever you find them."  The FBI is as clueless and hamstrung by political unrealism as any legal or law enforcement bureau could be, resulting in more confusion and less real, actual productive work.  We are blessed that our enemies are dumber than we are, otherwise there would have been much more carnage than we have seen since 9-11.

From The Daily Mail August 2

FBI admits they had radical American-born terrorist al-Awlaki in custody in 2002... but let him go

The FBI has publicly admitted that they had radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in custody when he returned to America in 2002 but let him go.

An American-born al Qaeda cleric, second only to Osama bin Laden on the world's most-wanted list, al-Awlaki was eventually killed in Yemen last September during a US drone strike.

Despite being named a major threat by the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service and the first American to become one of the CIA’s top targets, the FBI released him from custody after detaining him at JFK Airport in October 2002.

al-Awlaki, who had lived in London and thought to be behind several al Qaeda terrorist plots, had become the public face of the Islamic terrorist organisation in the wake of bin Laden's death.

Former FBI agents said there are two possible explanations for al-Awlaki’s abrupt release in 2002. That the FBI wanted to track him for intelligence or that the bureau wanted to work with him as a contact.The ‘global terrorist’ was detained at JFK Airport in New York City after the customs database identified an outstanding arrest warrant.

Mark Giuliano, the FBI’s assistant director for national security told an enquiry yesterday that there had been conversations between an FBI agent and the US attorney in Colorado about al-Awlaki’s re-entry into the country and the warrant.

He said: ‘Yes, sir, there was a dialogue, as there always will be.

‘If a case agent has a case on somebody that is coming into the country, the system is triggered and set up so that there will be a call to that case agent.’

But Mr Giulano could not explain how the FBI knew of the terrorist’s return to America nor the reasons why he was allowed to walk free from custody.

You just want to pick him up and shake him like a red-headed step-child, don't you?

Read it all

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