

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pakistan: man arrested for NOT protesting "blasphemous"movie

How much more surreal will it get?  This whole kerfluffle has been inflated way beyond what it should have been, and the longer it goes on and the larger it grows the more we will hear of outrageous behavior from the countries practicing that famous religion of peace.

From the Christin Science Monitor September 19

Pakistani man accused of blasphemy for not protesting Muhammad film
Pakistani officials say they have opened an investigation into a businessman who has been accused of blasphemy after refusing to join protests over an anti-Islam video and allegedly trying to convince others also not to take part.

Police officer Munir Abbasi says that hundreds of protesters in the city of Hyderabad who rallied against the film that mocks the Prophet Muhammaddemanded businessman Haji Nasrullah Khan shut his shops in solidarity.

When Khan refused, one of his tenants said his decision supported the film.

City police chief Fareed Jan said Wednesday the protesters claim Khan insulted the Prophet.

Jan said there's no evidence to suggest this happened and said police were pressured by the mob to open the case.

Blasphemy is punishable by life in prison or death inPakistan.

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