

Monday, August 22, 2011

More Muslim Meat Mayhem

The Cargill Meat Solutions plant in Ft. Morgan has provided accommodations for its Muslim workers yet they are not satisfied.  The accommodations have fulfilled the rules of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 but that is not good enough.  Muslim workers have prayer times set aside and two private spaces where they can pray, but since the times change a little each day the Muslim workers want the plant to accommodate the changing times.  That would put the production line out of sync, with the possible loss of lots of money.  Do the Muslims at Cargill care that they are potentially putting the plant production at risk, and their jobs as well?  Of course not, it is all about Islam and how American companies must bow to Muslim norms, not the other way around.  This is Islamic hegemony in full force...

This is Islam.

From the Denver Post August 21 by Eric Gorski

Fort Morgan meatpacking plant strives, struggles to accommodate Muslim workforce

FORT MORGAN — One afternoon this summer, Asha Abuukar said, she approached her supervisor at the Cargill Meat Solutions plant and got permission to go on break.

She washed in accordance with Islamic principles and prayed in a "reflection room" Cargill has set aside where beef is boxed and sealed.

When she returned two minutes late, she said, her supervisor told her that if it happened again, she would be fired.

"I'm sorry," Abuukar, 41, who also runs a Somali market in town, recalled replying. "I was only praying."

Although Cargill's Fort Morgan operation has escaped controversy over accommodating the religious needs of its Muslim workforce, an undercurrent of problems exists, according to current and former workers and Somali translators.

Company officials say they respect religious rights and follow the law but cannot undermine a plant that produces 4 million pounds of beef daily.

"We know that some of our employees would like a guaranteed prayer time every day," said Cargill spokesman Michael Martin. "That is not the legal requirement, and it would be impractical to accommodate this without shutting down the production line."

He said the company accommodates the vast majority of daily prayer requests.

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers cannot deny a "reasonable" religious accommodation request as long as it does not pose an undue hardship, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Muslims pray five times a day at prescribed times that move depending on the sun's position. That can pose challenges for plants with many Muslim workers. One-fourth of Cargill's 2,000 workers are Somali, company officials say.

(...)Asha Abuukar said her Cargill supervisor has told her to wait until another break to pray. Or he asks why she cannot pray at home.

Said Abuukar: "We ask, 'Why you giving us a place to pray if we aren't given the time to pray?' "

By giving them an exclusive area to pray, Cargill opened the door to more demands, and ultimately more concessions.  The first act of contrition to Islam results in a sense of victory and the belief that more can be wrung out of the kuffir.  Cargill has cut it's throat with a soft blade, the pain will become apparant when it's to late to do anything about the bleeding.

Read it all

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