Wikipedia was my influence, says Breivik. That and other revelations bring a new light into the mind of this man. I wonder when those who support Islamic hegemony and have blamed anti-jihadists for Breivik's rampage will apologize for assigning blame where it didn't belong.
We'll wait...
From the Telegraph April 20 by Daniel Fisher
In a few hours of polite but lethal questioning, the prosecutor has exposed Breivik's world of lies and fantasy. He faked a degree from an American university, did his best to avoid taxes and lied about his chances of being elected to the city council with the Progress Party. The one success in his life was a business selling fake diplomas, which he admitted was "morally despicable". This is not the combative stuff of an Old Bailey demolition, but it is no less effective.
I have not been a religious person, but there is a proverb saying there are no atheists in the trenches.
Not many Norwegians are capable of earning their first million by 24. It's extremely difficult to reach such levels at an early age.
We'll wait...
From the Telegraph April 20 by Daniel Fisher
Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik trial: day two live
15.27 That's the end of our live coverage today. All the latest news and updates from the trial can be seen on our Norway page.
15.03 Court has adjourned for the day. Breivik is handcuffed and on his way back to prison. David Blair reports:
All in all, that was an effective cross-examination, drawing out the contradictions, distortions and downright lies in the world of Breivik. But the judge was extremely generous - perhaps overly so - in allowing him 65 minutes to regale the world with his views earlier today. That made it all the more important for the prosecutor to redress the balance.
15.00 Sky News reporter Trygve Sorvaag says the hearing is due to finish for the day.
14.36 David Blair sums up the afternoon's developments:
14.23 The court has just broken for a 15-minute break. Breivik has just been describing why he left the Progress Party, a populist right-wing party, to pursue his one-man resistance to immigration.
"My proposals were slaughtered, so to speak," he said. "They sold out on so many principles in order to get into power, that I thought they had thrown out the baby with the bathwater."
14.14 Inga Engh is drawing out example after example of Breivik'stendency to bend the truth to hide his failures. Now she's undermining his claim, made in his manifesto, to have been nominated for membership through the Progress Party for a position in the Oslo City Council. Breivik concedes that he wasn't 23 on the list, as he wrote in his manifesto, but actually 37. Previously she made him comment on his claim - made on his CV - to have a business degree from an American University.
13.40 Prosecutor Engh has switched tack, asking Breivik if he is religious. Richard Orange reports that he appeared "momentarily confused", telling the court that alhough a Lutheran, a member of the Church of Norway, he is drawn to Catholicism. He said:
Breivik has also been questioned regarding his business career. He admitted that his first two companies were "failures", and his fake diploma business a "morally despicable project". But he nonetheless insisted he had been a business success:
He claims the diploma business made him 4m Norwegian Kronor (£436,000), before he wrapped it up in 2006.
There is more, read it all
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