

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The past is the future

In my latest History class, one paper we were to read and write on was an essay...actually a memo, from White House Special Council Clark Clifford to President Truman.  Written in 1946, it speaks of the growing Soviet threat, and how the US needs to respond in order to survive the coming war.  As I read it, I was struck with the similarities we now face with Islam.  Clifford spoke of containment, military build-up and the thinking driving the Soviets, all closely relating to today's clash with Islamic doctrine.  I decided to change a few words, to reflect today's missing viewpoint on what is needed to protect and defend ourselves from our own stupidity.  Clifford's words are just as prescient today as they were in 1946, I can only pray that those in power take these words to heart and make the tough decisions that will guarantee our future as a free society.

There was no title for this memo, so I have titled it;

Future Survival; Do we have what it takes to make it?

It is perhaps the greatest paradox of the present day that the leaders of Islam, now convinced that Islam is stronger than it has ever been before, should embark on so aggressive a course because their caliphate is "weak." And yet Islam and its adherents proclaim that "The West" threatens the world with war and that Islam must strengthen her defenses against the danger of foreign attacks. Islam, according to the Qur’an and the hadiths of Muhammad, is imperiled so long as it remains demonized by the “Zionist/American Plan." This idea is absurd since for 1400 years Islam has been trying to control what is, by doctrine their own planet. With a global population of 1.4 billion and not one non-Islamic country willing or able to speak the truth about Islamic hegemony, the conquest moves along. The process of injecting this poisons propaganda into the minds of Muslims goes on with increasing intensity, and will continue until the West will be powerless to stop the spread of Islamic supremacy. 

The Qur’an acknowledges no limit to the eventual power of Islam, but it is practical enough to be concerned with the actual position of Islam today. In any matter deemed essential to the security of Islam and Muslims, Islamic leaders will prove adamant in their claims and demands. In other matters they will prove grasping and opportunistic, but flexible in proportion to the degree and nature of the resistance encountered.

Recognition of the need to postpone the "inevitable" conflict is in no sense a betrayal of Islamic doctrine. Qur’an sura 3 verse 28 tells Muslims not to have dealings with non-Muslim, and sura 60 verse 1 tells Muslims that showing affection to non-believers will get them their place in Hell instead of paradise. There is little compromise and collaboration with non-Muslims for the accomplishment of ultimate Islamic purposes, except where Islam can use the laws and regulations of the non-Islamic country to their own ends. Islamic leaders will continue to collaborate whenever it seems expedient, for time is needed to build up the strength needed to wage jihad and weaken the opposition. Time is on the side of Islam, since population growth and economic development will, in the Islamist view, bring an increase many times over in its relative strength.

A direct threat to American security is implicit in Islamic hegemonic policy through the Qur’an, which is written and understood by many Muslims to be the manual for war with the leading capitalistic/Western nations of the world. Islamic leaders recognize that the United States will be the Islam’s most powerful enemy if such a war as that predicted by Islamic texts and tenets ever comes about, and therefore the United States and their friends and allies, especially Israel are the chief target of Islamic jihad and global Islamic hegemony.

The most obvious Islamic threat to American security is the growing ability to wage an offensive war against the United States. This has not hitherto been possible, in the absence of concerted, organized and directed global jihad. Now, however, Islam is rapidly developing elements of military strength which was hitherto lacking in the form of a growing Al-Qaeda presence in North Africa and the growing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist movement. Islam has declared his intention of sparing no effort to build up the military strength of its jihadists. Development of specific jihads; pen, word, classroom, media, internet, soft, mind as well as sword are extending the effective range of Islamic power, power well into areas which the United States regards as vital to its security.

The primary objective of United States policy toward Islam is to convince itself that Islam is a religion of peace, that it is in our best interest to participate in a system of dhimmihood, that there are no fundamental causes for war between our two nations except what we say and do, and that the security and prosperity of America, and that of the rest of the world as well, is being jeopardized by the aggressive militaristic imperialism that Western powers, and Jews show towards the peaceful and victimized Muslims.

However, these same Islamic leaders with whom we hope to achieve an understanding on the principles of our own appeasement and self-censorship stridently tell us that a war with the United States and the other leading capitalistic nations is inevitable. They are increasing their military power and the sphere of Islamic influence in preparation for the "inevitable" conflict, and they are trying to weaken and subvert their potential opponents by every means at their disposal. So long as these clerics adhere to these beliefs, it is highly dangerous to conclude that hope of international peace lies only in "accord," "mutual understanding," or "solidarity" with Islam. One only has to look at the Pact of Umar, a 7th century treatise on how non-Muslims must act while living among Islam to see just how much “equality” resides within Islamic doctrine.

Islam will never be easy to "get along with." The American people must accustom themselves to this thought, not as a cause for despair, but as a fact to be faced objectively and courageously. If we find it impossible to enlist Islamic cooperation in the solution of world problems, we should be prepared to join with the British and other Western countries in an attempt to build up a world of our own which will pursue its own objectives and will recognize the Islamic orbit as a distinct entity with which conflict is theologically predestined and with which we cannot pursue common aims.

As long as Islam maintains its present foreign expansionist policy, based upon the theory of an ultimate struggle between Islam and the non-Muslim world, the United States must assume that Islam will attack at any time for the two-fold purpose of expanding the territory under Islamic/sharia control and weakening its potential Western opponents. Islam has succeeded in insinuating itself, through violence and terror, into the political vacuum of the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Near East, Manchuria, North Africa, Egypt, the Maldives, Somalia, Nigeria, England, Germany, Sweden, France and many other non-Muslim countries, all because no Western nation was willing to prevent it. Islamic leaders were encouraged by easy successes and they are now preparing to take over new areas in the same way. Islam, as the Qur’an euphemistically phrases it, is preparing “against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows.” That is sura 8 verse 60. 

Unless the United States is willing to sacrifice its future security for the sake of "accord" with Islam now, this government must, as a first step toward world stabilization, seek to prevent additional Islamic aggression. This government should be prepared to resist vigorously and successfully any efforts of Islam to expand into areas vital to American security. Unfortunately, at this time the government of the US has no desire to understand the nature of the doctrine which drives Islamic behavior, nor any wish to believe that Islam has declared war against the West. This lack of insight is leading the US and its allies to a certain demise based in nothing more than a false belief that if we just behave the way Islamic doctrine demands, everything will be safe and secure.

The language of military power is the only language which disciples of power politics understand. The United States must use that language in order that Islamic leaders will realize that our government is determined to uphold the interests of its citizens including the right to speak freely, the free exchange of ideas and the liberties, freedoms and human rights all nations deserve. Compromise and concessions are considered by the jihadists to be evidences of weakness and they are encouraged by our retreats and groveling to make new and greater demands.

The main deterrent to jihadist attacks on the United States, or to attack on areas of the world which are vital to our security, will be the military power of this country. It must be made apparent to the recognized Islamic leaders that our strength will be sufficient to repel any attack and sufficient to defeat Islam decisively if a war should start. The prospect of defeat is the only sure means of deterring Islamic expansion and hegemony.

Islam’s vulnerability is limited due to the vast area over which its fighters, supporters and financiers are widely dispersed, but it is vulnerable to targeted attacks against key personnel and locations where Islamic leaders are known to congregate. Therefore, in order to maintain our strength at a level which will be effective in restraining Islamic expansion, the United States must be prepared to wage targeted, lethal and surgical warfare. A highly mechanized army, which can be moved either by sea or by air, capable of seizing and holding strategic areas, "total" in a more horrible sense than any previous war, due mainly to the unknown factor of exactly what types of weapons jihadists have. There must be constant research for both offensive and defensive weapons, and a continuing effort to identify the types of weapons used by jihadists, and to develop tactics and material to defeat such weapons. If our response is to be based in weapons of mass destruction, we must be absolutely sure there is no other option that will be successful, and only in the event we are attacked with weapons of the same sort and type.

Whether it would actually be in this country's interest to employ nuclear and biological weapons against Islam/jihadists in the event of hostilities is a question which would require careful consideration in the light of the circumstances prevailing at the time. The decision would probably be influenced by a number of factors, such as Islam’s capacity to employ similar weapons, which cannot now be estimated. But the important point is that the United States must be prepared to wage nuclear and biological warfare if necessary. The mere fact of preparedness may be the only powerful deterrent to Islamic aggressive action and in this sense the only sure guaranty of peace.

In addition to maintaining our own strength, the United States should support and assist all democratic countries which are in any way menaced or endangered by Islamic conquest. Providing military support in case of attack is a last resort; a more effective barrier to Islamic hegemony is strong economic support. Trade agreements, loans and technical missions strengthen our ties with friendly nations and are effective demonstrations that a free Western democracy is more than the equal of Islam. The United States can do much to ensure that economic opportunities, personal freedom and social equality are made possible in countries outside the Islamic sphere by generous social assistance. Our policy on aid should be directed toward strengthening the areas we are endeavoring to keep outside the Islamic sphere. We should never pay our enemies in the belief that we can purchase loyalty. Our efforts to break down trade barriers, open up rivers and international waterways, and bring about economic unification of countries, now divided by Islamic theology, are also directed toward the reestablishment of vigorous and healthy non-Islamic economies.

In conclusion, as long as Islam adheres to its present policy, the United States should maintain military forces powerful enough to restrain them and to confine Islamic influence to its present area. All nations not now within the Islamic sphere should be given generous economic assistance and political support in their opposition to Islamic penetration. Economic aid should only be given to those Islamic countries that have shown they are a pluralistic, secular and equal society, both in word and deed. Export status can be granted to Islamic governments and private trade with those countries permitted provided the results are primarily beneficial to Western interests, and fall within the above guidelines.

Even though Muslim leaders profess to believe that the conflict between the West and Islam is irreconcilable and must eventually be resolved by the triumph of the latter, we fear the response up to this day by the world’s leaders is contributing to the widening discord. The current atmosphere is one of eggshells; the West is scared of the reaction of Islam to anything that is said or done by non-Muslims, and is bending so far backwards it is now possible to pick up a pin with one’s teeth. We hope that they will change their minds, but know that they won’t, as Islamists are winning and have no reason or incentive to change their long war view. Islam has no reason to work out with us a fair and equitable settlement. The only way we can win against so intractable an enemy, one driven purely by religious edict and eschatological fanaticism is to convince them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are too strong to be beaten and too determined to be frightened.

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