

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From the Mouths of our Enemies, Pt 7

Here is the next chapter from the book.  This one is on Hamas.


Hate Speech from Hamas
Khaled Masha'al
Arabic;    خالد مشعل

   Hamas.  The name either strikes terror or love in your heart, depending on where your loyalties are to be found.  However, for a large number of people the name Khaled Mashal rings no bells.  He is today the leader and PR image man for Hamas, which means he is the one with the most innocent blood on his hands. 
    He is a man with no moral compass except the one provided by Muhammad.  There is absolutely no love lost between Masha'al and any non-Muslim, his tastes have always leaned toward the genocidal side when it comes to infidels.  He is a recent front-row player but by no means has he been inconsequential in how Islamic hatred has been displayed.
   Khaled Mashal was born sometime in 1956 in the Silwad neighborhood of Ramallah, then occupied by Jordan.  Little Khaled was still in elementary school when the 1967 Six-Day War broke out.  His family fled in the face of the Israeli military to Kuwait, and it was there he finished his schooling, earning a BS degree in Physics from Kuwait University(1a) 
    His membership in the Muslim Brotherhood in 1971 and his erstwhile overseeing of the Islamic Justice List, or Qa'imat al-haq al-islamiyya party in the 1977 General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) elections preened him for his role-to-be in global jihad and the upcoming Hamas(1b) 
     As a front group for the Palestine Islamic movement the Islamic Justice List had as its puppeteers the omnipresent Muslim Brotherhood.  There should be no surprised faces, fundamental (militant) Islam always provides the vehicle for its own propagation.  The GUPS elections were cancelled and Mashal then morphed the IJL into the Islamic League for Palestinian Students, al-rabita al-islamiyya li talab filastin in 1980(1c) 
   Khaled Mashal wanted to be a part of the growing Islamic axis of hatred against Israel and the west.  He challenged Yassar Arafat and his control of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) by involving himself in the founding of the Islamic Haqq Bloc(1d)
     The IHB was specifically created to compete head to head with Fatah in the leadership of the GUPS in Kuwait.   It failed it its attempt to wrest power from Fatah and Arafat, yet this minor setback only served to increase Mashals zeal for a "liberated Palestine" and the acceleration of the destruction of Israel(1e)
 "I bring good tidings to our beloved Prophet Muhammad: Allah's promise and the Prophet's prophecy of our victory in Palestine over the Jews and over the oppressive Zionists have begun to come true"(2) 

   Over two decades later and the hatred is still overwhelming, purpose-driven and non-stop.  The hatred towards Jews and non-Muslims never changes, never waivers.  It is all-consuming and for all time.
     The so-called "liberation of Palestine" will not stop the march of fundamental (militant) Islam against the infidels and crusaders, each small step towards the world-wide caliphate only serves to embolden Islam to fight harder.  Nothing in the Qur'an tells Muslims that they must do anything less than convert, subjugate or wage war against those who will not submit to the will of Allah.  This leit-motif of intolerance demands of its adherents their humanity and compassion in regard to non-Muslims and Khaled Mashal practiced well these verses of horror.
   1983 saw the first foundational stone laid for Hamas when the Palestinian Islamic Movement convened a closed conference in an unnamed Arab state.  Included in this meeting of the mad minds were delegates from the West Bank, Gaza and spokespeople for the Palestinians in exile.
    Since Mashal had taken a pivotal role in the development of the Palestinian Islamic Movement it was only natural that he would continue on his rise to stardom and eventually, after Hamas became a working, viable fundamental Islamic group he found himself heading the Kuwait branch of Hamas.  It was there he stayed until 1991 and the first Gulf War.
   The spiritual mentor of Hamas and the font of Islamic fundamentalist interpretation is Sheik Ahmad Yassin, a man whose intimate knowledge of the doctrine, theology and tenets of Islam according to Muhammad allowed his views, and that of Khaled Mashal to be expressed in ways such as article 2 of the Hamas Charter which states, "The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. It is characterized by its deep understanding, accurate comprehension and its complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgment, the spreading of Islam, education, art, information, science of the occult and conversion to Islam"(3) Clearly a statement of Islamic superiority over non-Muslims, and a call for the imposition and enforcement of Islamic law (sharia).  Note also the reference to the Muslim Brotherhood, the umbrella group for all things dangerously Islamic both here in the US and abroad.  The word Hamas, in Arabic means "zeal".  In Hebrew it translates to "evil".  I think that says it all.
   The all-consuming passion with which fundamental (militant) Islam attacks all non-believers is not exclusively based in the Qur'an, hadiths and Sunna.  A large portion of the hate is predicated on a now discredited and known fakery called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"(4) This book, originally published just before the last century in Russia supposedly outlines the secret Jewish plans to take over the world.
     Written by a disgruntled and wicked Russian it is a work of pure fiction based in one mans anti-Jewish beliefs.  By combining the tenets of Islam as taught by Muhammad with any writings that purport to show the "real” face of Jews, including "The International Jew"(5) by Heny Ford it becomes easy to keep the deionization going....and going...and going.   Like the "social programs" gangster/humanitarian Alphonse Capone provided to the poor, Hamas carried on this tradition.  Food, aid, social services, health services, jobs, anything which could endear Hamas even more to the teeming masses would only serve to solidify the bonds between Hamas and the support they needed to keep the fires of hatred burning.
  While Hamas cried out for their own poor and destitute, they kept up the clarion call for the destruction of Israel with statements such as this from Khaled Mashal in 2006, “Before Israel dies, it must be humiliated and degraded. Allah willing, before they die, they will experience humiliation and degradation every day"(6)  This is similar to article 7 of the Hamas Charter which relates the hadith of Bukhari and says, "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews"(7)  No one can see this hadith as anything other than a call for the complete and total destruction of Israel and for the death of every Jew alive.  I seem to have heard that somewhere before, in the past...about 70 years ago. 
    Hatred of the Jews, or for that matter any non-believer, whether based in Qur'anic verses or hadith verses does give us the same results:  hatred, subjugation or war. 
   Sheik Ahmad Yassin is gone, winged to his reward of 72 virgins and ever flowing wine. The fight now it is in the hands of Khaled Mashal, who in the name of Allah will try to wipe the Jews from the earth.  From the Hamas Charter and Mashal comes this, "Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes"(8)  This is article 8 and is in no way to be mistaken as an invitation for tea. 
    Time and time again, our enemies say exactly what they are trying to accomplish.  Time and time again they state, in ever so plain language who they are, what they are about, the doctrine driving their actions and the end result they expect.
    If we choose to ignore, or worse refuse to acknowledge these words of destruction, surely we will suffer the fate assigned to us by those same voices.  There are none as deaf as those who refuse to hear.

    I leave you with this haunting statement from Khaled Mashal, during an interview with Reuters in Jan, 2007,
"As a Palestinian today I speak of a Palestinian and Arab demand for a state on 1967 borders. It is true that in reality there will be an entity or state called Israel on the rest of Palestinian land. This is a reality, but I won't deal with it in terms of recognizing or admitting it"(9)

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