

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Shaking hands with the devil

Cambridge University, bastion of learning and expression of thoughts and ideals now bans shaking hands with the disabled and Muslims.  They might be offended.

From the Huffington Post December 14

Cambridge University Dons Told Don't Shake Hands With Muslim Or Disabled Students

Cambridge University has warned its dons not to shake hands with Muslims or students with disabilities for fear of offending them.
The top university has cautioned its academics not to proffer their hand automatically in case the gesture causes an upset. A directive has also gone to admissions tutors which explains that some people are "culturally sensitive" to the traditional British style of greeting.
"Suitable body language conveys welcome just as well," Cambridge advises. But some dons are infuriated by the "advice", with one telling the Daily Telegraph they are being treated as "social misfits".
"It seems to be totally bonkers," one said. "We know when to shake someone's hand and when not to."
The academic, who asked not to be named, added that it all seemed "a bit stupid and pointless" and would make interviews "even more awkward".
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