

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From the "What the Hell is going on?" file

Islam has banned many things: pants, beer, laughing, kissing in public, music, cell phones, pictures of people, movies, television, wrong hairstyle, and a host of other innocuous things over the decades.  This is one for the books.  Do not be surprised to find out that yodelling is banned in Austria, via hate speech laws which "insults Muslims". 
This may be funny on some levels, but it is another sign of hownon-Muslims must accomodate Muslim norms, even at the expense of local culture.

Read it all here.

Yodelling offends praying Muslims, say judges

"An Austrian has been fined for yodelling while mowing his lawn, according to a report."
What's next in Austria, jail for cream pie?

1 comment:

The Atomic Fruitbat said...

Do a little research and you'll find that the spin on this one exceeds the facts by about ten thousand percent.

Seriously. Learn to check your sources, Mr. Blogger. If this is the sort of "research" you do, then where do you get off criticizing LCC for dumping you as an instructor?

You sure seem to know a lot of things that aren't true.