

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The not-so-sweet Danish

Danish-Muslims are assumed to be, for the most part tolerant and wanting to be part of their host country. That's a good thing. The few who are seen to cause problems are dismissed as just a few crackpots, stirring trouble but mostly harmless. When it comes to sharia, harmless is not the word you want to use.

England has 25 "Sharia-compliant" zones where the law of the land is based in the Qur'an, now Danish Muslims, at least a very small segment want to do the same thing. There is no concern for this, it is assumed that since there are but 9 Muslims walking the streets enforcing sharia, it is not a threat or problem in any way. It is felt there are up to a few hundred Muslims who support the imposition of sharia, still a small number. The problem is, sharia and the creep of Islam never stops, it is continuous until it takes control, no matter how long it takes. This is the next battlefield in the war against Islam and the slow but steady advance of sharia. Today a few hundred, tomorrow a few thousand until the demographics favor Muslims, then the real fun begins.

From The Copenhagen Post October 21

Islamists call for "sharia zones"

A fundamentalist Islamic group wants to set up zones in Copenhagen where Islamic Sharia Law should be upheld.

The group, ‘The Call to Islam’, belongs to a branch of Islam called Salafism, whose followers in the UK attempted to introduce similar Sharia zones in London earlier this summer.

According to Jyllands-Posten newspaper, the group is led by the imam Abu Ahmed, who has taught several people subsequently linked to terrorist activities.

The Call to Islam intends to start patrolling the Copenhagen neighbourhood of Tingbjerg before extending into Nørrebro and eventually the whole of Denmark. Muslims found to be drinking and gambling would be reprimanded for breaking Islamic code.

The Muslimernes Fællesråd, an umbrella organisation representing over 40,000 Muslims from several organisations, has denounced the plans.

“We should definitely take them seriously and enter into dialogue with them,” spokesperson Mustafa Gezen told Jyllands-Posten. “We should not ignore their extreme inclinations in our society. The problem is that many young people are susceptible to these beliefs. We need to start at the primary school level, to stress the importance of democracy.”

Read it all

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