

Monday, December 27, 2010

The City of the Angels goes to Hell in a Handbasket

I was born in, and grew up in Los Angeles, a fact that, after 16 years in Oregon I do everything to avoid admitting.  I have no pride in my "hometown", nor do I wish to ever return for more than a few days at a time.  What was once a plinth on which to place American ideals and values, it is now just so much sewage to be flushed. 

Bitter, me?  No, just realistic after decades of watching my beloved L.A. turn into so much multi-kulti bulls#*t. 

As a former member of the most polluted city on the west coast, it comes as no surprise that the L.A City Council, in all it's corrupt and greedy glory, manages yet another politically correct blunder in the name of "not insulting 'insert name of current victim group here' ".

A few years ago, the city decided, after many complaints, that the L.A. city symbol was too religiously one-sided and must be changed for the good of the public order.  After careful and deliberate debate, the city ruled that the cross, representing the Catholic influence of the city was to be no more, and it was removed from the city seal.  As is the norm when speaking of a religious symbol, polls showed a majority of Angelenos against the removal of an integral part of their history, yet it was to no avail.  The voice of moderate censorship ruled the day, and the city became a little less of what it used to be.

This latest outrage, in the form of buying into the lie of "Islamophobia" and castigating all residents who want dialogue on Islam slaps common sense in the face.  Again we see dhimmi attitudes at work, and again we see how, in the face of any potential name-calling, a city council, one of the largest and most powerful in the country willingly tuck tail between legs and refuse to do anything except run from their own shadows. 

The article says that the city council believes that mobs of Angelenos, armed with torches and pitchforks are roaming the dark streets, rounding up poor, victimized Muslims (or anyone of middle-eastern cast), thus their justification for this unbinding resolution comdemning "Islamophobia" and repudiating random acts of violence against Muslims.  If the council is using any recent numbers on religiously motivated hate crimes, they must be making them up, because the facts do not line up with their myopia.

In 2009, the FBI's latest statistics on hate crimes show of the 1,376 hate crimes motivated by religious bias, the overwhelming majority were against Jews with 70.1% and crimes against Muslims and Islam were at 9.3%.  It would appear that the city of Los Angeles is suffering from that common malady which affects all media these days, "rationalized myopia".  Even the county's own Commission on Human Relations, in their latest finding showed "...88 percent of all religiously based hate crimes (in L.A. county)in 2009 were against Jews. Hate crimes that targeted Muslims (3 percent) ranked slightly above those directed at Scientologists (1 percent). In fact, the commission found that attacks against Christians (8 percent) outnumbered attacks against Muslims."   For the city to agree that Islamophobia is running amok, violence against Muslims is increasing and that "something must be done" by way of a resolution condemning those who speak openly and truthfully on Islamic hegemony based in the doctrine of the Qur'an and the words of Allah, is folly on a grand scale.

If there is Islamophobia breaking out all over, it is due to those members of the "religion of peace" who continuously use the texts and tenets of Islam to justify their murderous behavior, and from those who uphold as correct for all time the behavior of Muhammad, the "al-insan al-kamil", the perfect man.

Los Angeles, meet your new boss.  Get ready to genuflect to the east, five times a day.

Read it all here


Veet Vivarto said...

Good article, however the math needs some clarification.
In my opinion the most important numbers is not how many attacks there were against a certain group, but how likely is the member of a group to be attacked.
Thus 1% of hate crimes against Scientology may be higher than 3% of the crimes against the Muslims if there happens to be less than 3 time less Scientologists than Muslims.
So it would help if we knew the number of Jews in and the Muslims in LA.

Unknown said...

Veet, this is a good question, and from what I can research, both Muslims and Jews are close as to numbers. It appears Jews outnumber Muslims, but not by much. There is not one poll done exclusively for Muslims, so the best estimates as of 2010 would be: appx 500,000 Muslims in L.A. and appx 650.000 Jews.


Jay Knott said...

Even if you allow for the difference in numbers between different groups, the FBI's report is preposterous: "of the 1,376 hate crimes motivated by religious bias, the overwhelming majority were against Jews with 70.1% and crimes against Muslims and Islam were at 9.3%". There has never been violence against Jews in the USA. Since September 11th. 2001 there has been some violence against Muslims. The FBI report is purely a reflection of the power of the Jewish Lobby, and its misleading use of the vague concept of an 'incident'. For the Lobby, a speech which questions any aspect of the Holocaust - such as one Barry Sommer gave at the University of Oregon - is an 'anti-Semitic incident'.