

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flying the (jihadist) Friendly Skies

The TSA is a joke, perpetuated on the American public to give the appearance of "protection" and "safety".  They remind me of the clown car at the circus, or the old chinese fire drill we did as kids.  All the levels of inspection, the levels of scrutiny and the training given to these  white-shirted givers of gropes fall flat, and on an obscenely regular basis. 

Our safety rests in the hands of those who are being trained by a Muslim Brotherhood front group and, as a bonus Wal-Mart is teaching its employees and shoppers how to identify jihadists.  Nowhere in all this is there any mention of identifying the texts, tenets and doctrine which drives attacks by those members of the "religion of peace".

No longer are we able to "Fly the Friendly Skies"

From the Mail Online Dec 18

The effectiveness of security at  U.S. ports is being questioned after a businessman accidentally travelled on a flight with a loaded handgun in his luggage.
Iranian-American Farid Seif was screened by Trasport Security Administration officials at Houston airport in Texas. His hand luggage was also X-rayed before he took off on his international flight

No matter that he was of Iranian descent, there are many Iranians who support western values, but can only speak honestly awat from the Shi'ite madness running rampant across Iran. 

'It's just impossible to miss it, you know. I mean, this is not a small gun,' Mr Seif told ABC News.  'How can you miss it? You cannot miss it.'

According to ABC, security slip-ups in the U.S. are not rare.

I'm shocked, shocked to hear this is going on....

ABC added that, while the U.S. Department of Homeland Security closely guards those test results, those that have leaked have been 'shocking'.  (...)TSA screeners failed to detect concealed bombs and guns 20 out of 22 times...

Read it all

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