This is what Jack Dresser supports
When talking about Israel, those that hate Jews always
seem to have a problem with the truth.
Not that they have none, although in most cases there is little in their
fact bag worth considering, but that what little legitimate truths they do have
gets lost in the diatribe spewed each time they open their mouths. Jack Dresser, long-time fan of jihad and clueless
anti-semite begins his vitriol with the claim that what we need is immediate
context, and then proceeds to give absolutely none worth contemplating. Published in today’s Register-Guard (November
26) as a “guest viewpoint” it is the usual Dresser hate screed, with a bit of
slander thrown in for good measure. I
have tried to talk to him, and each time he merely dismisses me as so much
noise. I have offered to debate him, and
to have him on a panel to talk about Israel and Islam, and he refuses. Those that cannot or will not defend their
position when challenged have no legitimate position to stand on. Jack Dresser is such a man. People like Dresser assume that when they
speak, people take it as it is and no questions are to be asked. Sad really, that your position cannot be defended
so you must resort to ignorance and silence.
Here is his opinion, for what it’s worth.
Link to R-G article here.
To fathom Gaza, look to the facts, not the spin
Weinerman (Guest Viewpoint, Nov. 21) calls for context on Gaza, then instead
provides a distorted narrative of Israeli victimization. Facts matter. Invented
narratives do not. Let’s get to some facts, starting with the immediate context.
There is no context except to present
Israel as the aggressor and the deaths directly resulting from the evil Jews deliberately
attacking innocent children.
First, who started it? Before November, 18 Palestinian children
had already been killed this year by Israel. On Nov. 5 Israeli soldiers shot
and killed an unarmed Palestinian man in Gaza. On Nov. 8, a 13-year-old
Palestinian boy was killed by Israeli gunfire while playing soccer in front of
his house, after which Palestinians retaliated with rocket fire.
Two days later, two Palestinian boys were killed by an Israeli shell fired at children playing
soccer on a playground. On Nov. 14, an 11-month-old baby was killed by an
airstrike on her family home and a 7-year-old was killed in the targeted
assassination of Palestinian leader Ahmed al-Jabari.
He demonizes Israel by implying, with no
proof that Israel, with malice targeted children on a playground. Disgusting moral reversal, as it is Hamas
that uses its children as human shields, and have admitted as much.
The next day, a baby, two toddlers and three other children were
killed by airstrikes on their homes. During the next four days 19 Palestinian
children were killed by airstrikes on their homes, including five babies and
six preschoolers.
Israel targets only weapons? Really? Fifty percent of Gazans beneath Israeli bombs and missiles were
It is a crime for children to be massacred
within the context of wartime, but lets remember that it is Hamas who put their
people at risk, firing rockets from civilian neighborhoods, hospitals and
mosques, as well as stockpiling weapons and ammo in mosques, homes and
schools. Any civilians killed are on the
hands of Hamas, not Israel.
Altogether, 37 Palestinian children have been killed by Israel
this year. No Israeli children have died.
Who has the more urgent right to self-defense?
Not that Hamas hasn’t ardently tried to
kill Israeli children.
Let’s extend our context further. Hamas won 76 of 132
parliamentary seats in internationally validated elections in January 2006,
gaining leadership of the Palestinian Authority. Israel, the United States and
Fatah collaborated to undermine this outcome, resulting in confinement of
Hamas’ authority to Gaza by mid-2007.
With its settlers gone, Israel has had a free hand to attack and
punish Gaza through incursions, assassinations, naval bombardment, attacks on
fishermen, a suffocating blockade, confiscation of 35 percent of Palestinian
farmland for a “buffer zone” and continuous intimidation by military
overflights causing deafening sonic booms. In 2008-09 came the Operation Cast
Lead assault, including use of white phosphorous and depleted uranium
munitions, that killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and crippled the economy by
destroying schools, hospitals, police
stations, infrastructure and factories.
If Hamas had not been launching rockets
from these locations, there would have been no need for Israel to destroy them.
All these actions are flagrant violations of international law.
Their victims have the obvious right to resist, not only under international
law but under the elemental rules of human conduct we all learned in
Let’s go back further. Since the second intifada began in
September 2000, 1,509 Palestinian children have been killed. How many Israeli
children? One hundred twenty-nine.
During this intifada, 93 Palestinian children were killed before the first
Israeli child died, and 105 Palestinian children were killed before the first
suicide bombing (see www.rememberthesechildren.org ). Studies have found that suicide bombers were retaliating for the murder
of their loved ones in their own homes and communities invaded by Israel.
Let’s ignore the deaths of Israeli
children, they don’t matter. If there
are studies, cite them, not just mention them.
Virtually all the homicide bombers let behind recorded statements of
jihad and martyrdom, citing Qur’anic passages reflecting their love of Allah
and their passion to die for Islam.
Whether Israel existed or not, the bombings will continue, as it is
ordained within the teachings of islam.
Nearly all Israeli deaths occurred before Hamas discontinued
suicide bombings in April 2006. But Israel continued unabated. From 2006
through 2010, eight Israeli and 671 Palestinian children were killed.
So who is killing whom?
Who is invading and occupying whom? Who is bulldozing whose homes and orchards?
Who is stealing whose land? Who is violating whose human rights?
Who, through their charter wants all Jews
dead and Israel wiped from the face of the earth? Who believes death a higher goal than
life? Who hides behind their women and
children while firing rockets at Israeli civilians? We can play this game all day, the fact is,
Islamic doctrine guides Hamas, and with that there will be no peace.
Do Palestinians have the right of self-defense? Nobody else is
defending them — including the United States, which instead arms their
oppressor and protects it from international justice through vetoes of
sanctions proposed in the U.N. Security Council (43 to date).
Let’s extend our
historical context even further. About 80 percent of Gaza’s population are
refugees and their descendants, driven from their lands and homes during the
1948 “Nakba” (catastrophe) by Israel and its predecessor terror groups, and in
1967 when Israel seized the rest of historic Palestine in a war falsely justified
as defensive. The rockets that frighten but rarely injure the residents of
Sderot are fired by a people among whom are dispossessed former citizens of the
same community, then the Arab Palestinian town of Najd.
The Arab League told the Arabs living in
Palestine at the time to leave for a few days, just until the Jews were driven
into the sea. Then they could return and
live a life free from Jews. That didn’t
happen, and now, 64 years later the refugees still suffer at the hands of their
;leaders. The mention that the rockets
merely frighten, not kill is just another tactic to dehumanize Jews and raise
the refugees higher in victimization than the innocents in Israel. After 1967 Israel gave back 97% of the land
taken up to that point, unheard of in modern warfare.
Many Palestinian
refugees still retain their deeds, titles and door keys that symbolize their
rights to return and to restoration of their stolen properties, protected by
Articles 13 and 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Israel can have the
peace and security it claims to want at any time, nonviolently, by simply
allowing Palestinians their human rights under international law.
The right of return will destroy Israel and
Dresser knows this. It is just what he wants,
and hopes for.
Our project of course decries all violence, which is why we —
along with Holocaust survivor Stephane Hessel, co-author of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights — encourage support of the international movement
for boycott, divestment and sanctions to nonviolently support the Palestinian
people (www.bdsmovement.net , www.pacbi.org , www.whoprofits.org ).
And Weinerman is right about one thing. There is certainly no moral equivalence.
That is true, there is no moral equivalence
between the free and equal society that is Israel and the brutal, genocidal and
jihadist regime of Hamas. Unfortunately,
Dresser cannot, or will not see the commonalities between Islam and Hamas, and
that is most disturbing of all.
Anti-Israeli hatred is rampant in Eugene, led most often by our own
little anti-semite. Hats off to you,
Jack. There is no mistaking which way
your hatred points.
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