

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New ground zero mosque imam says too much about Islam and is "distanced" by mosque organizers

Imam Adhami, the new moderate voice of the GZ mosque or, the Park51 project, or the "Cordoba Initiative" or whatever clever name they come up with this week, has expressed truths about Islam which have caused a backlash against him by the developers and organizers.  I posted about this imam trying to steal Moses here, and in this piece you will see his Islamist views about gays, and how those who leave Islam and preach any other religion should be jailed.

Imam Adhami views Islam with the correct eye, interpreting doctrine as a majority of recognized scholars and clerics do.  He is upholding sharia, and doing what Muhammad requires all Muslims to do, as laid down by the Qur'an and hadiths.

So why are his co-religionists complaining about what he has said, if it is all based in Islamic texts and tenets?

Simple.  He has given their hand away, and dared to speak the truth to the infidel.

From the New York Post Jan 30 by Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein

Outrageous Teachings by new GZ mosque imam

The new imam at the Ground Zero mosque and cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed.

Abdallah Adhami's remarks on homosexuals, religious freedom and other topics have brought renewed criticism of the proposed community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, which purports to be an inclusive organization.
Adhami, in a lecture on the Web site of his nonprofit, Sakeenah, says being gay is a "painful trial" caused by past trauma.

(.)"When a religious leader of his standing opens up his mouth and spews this kind of ignorance and hateful statements, it does put his greater judgment into question," said Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay-rights group.

(.)Adhami, 44, who was born in Washington and says that he began his Islamic studies in Syria at age 8, claims to be descended from "the noble lineage of the family of the Prophet Muhammad."

Careful what you claim in the name of Muhammad, Adhami.  Insulting the prophet of Islam could get you those 72 virgins.

Read it all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Theologically - No....
Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia .

Religiously - No....
Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah Except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran) (including humanists)

Scripturally - No....
Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - No....
Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - No....
Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews or non-Muslims (including humanists)

Politically - No....
Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual Leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - No....
Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - No....
Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt. (including humanists)

Philosophically - No....
Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and Expression (including humanists). Democracy and Islam cannot Co-exist. Every Muslim Government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - No....
Because when we declare 'one nation under God, the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation....

Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. - - -
They obviously CAN NOT BE BOTH 'Good' Muslims and Good Americans'
Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. ....

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.



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