

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Debate on Islam in Temecula, CA

From a reader comes this video on a debate in Temecula, California between an Imam and a former Muslim from Iran.  Excellent piece, please watch the entire video, it is eye-opening.

The Imam Harmoush (Temecula Mosque, practicing his lies to the infidels)- Mano Bakh (former muslim from Iran, our friend) debate is available as a podcast:  The Imam also tries telling Wafa Sultan she didn't live under shariah in Syria!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE Jan 26 
We were shut down in Temecula early this morning; 4 council members showed up, listened to everyone until 3:30 a.m. and voted in favor of building the mosque.  There were at least 1,000 signatures from people who live in the area against the mosque.
A CAIR official walked around all night and spoke - council members fear law suit!  NO GUTS!  They did not care about anything the opposition said just as the Planning Commission did not care on Dec. 1, 2010. 
We have an Islamic Cell in Winchester (just a few miles away) but nobody cares! 


Jay Knott said...

They don't have Shariah law in Syria, Barry. You know nothing about the Middle East. This is a story about people against religious freedom for Muslims. This is as un-American as opposing academic freedom for Islamophobes.

A Christian woman who lived under Shariah said...

Posted by a true anti-Semitic! I've seen your website Mr. Knott, and you and your little friends are anti-Semitic Judeophobes! You sir know nothing of the Middle East never having lived there. For those of us who have had the dubious pleasure of living in various Middle Eastern countries and countries living under Shariah, life is very cruel, especially to women. When you Mr. Knott have been forced to cover every inch of your body in a stifling black garment in 120 degree heat, when you sir are NOT allowed to drive or go out unaccompanied by a man, when you sir can be jailed and beaten because your veil fell or some part of your "evil" female body became exposed by accident (an upper arm or throat for instance), than you will have a very tiny understanding of what it is like to live in an Islamic country. I'm always amazed that liberals such as yourself, manage to dismiss the rape and torture of women, the mutilation of womens genitals as little girls (Female Genital Mutilation) in order to preserve their "purity", you dismiss the fact that 85 percent of women jailed in the Middle East are women who were raped and because they reported their rapes,they were charged with adultery and face death by stoning, you "Liberals" dismiss honor killings, the amputation of limbs for certain criminal offenses, you dismiss child marriages, and the execution of apostates (those that leave the religion of Islam). You "Liberals" who supposedly love the concept of "free speech" support a system where free speech is characterized as an evil invention of the infidels. You sir know NOTHING, your only interest is in demonizing Jews.
As for Shariah not being practiced in Syria, that is simply not true. Syria has separate secular and religious courts. Civil and criminal cases are heard in secular courts, while the Sharia courts handle personal, family, and religious matters in cases between Muslims or between Muslims and non-Muslims. Again your only interest is to demonize Judaism and devalue the opinions expressed on this website.