

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Justified Hindu Hatred

My collegue Billy Rojas knows more on the interactions between Hindu and Muslim than I do, so if it is on that aspect I need material I always go to him.  This is a letter, or more appropriately a comment left at the site BareNakedIslam.  Dated 2008 it is a bit old, but the sentiment from a Hindu about Islam is even more prescient today, as Islam marches out of it's cave and across the land.

It is emotional, poingnant but true to a large extent.

Remember, Islam has murdered approximately 80 million Hindus in the last 1,400 years, and there is no reason to think they will stop now.

Nov 30, 2008

A Hindu Man explains: ‘Why I hate Islam’

I have no sympathy for Muslims. It seems that today Muslims from all
corners of the world are facing hardship and problems. You only need to look at
the devastation that Islam has wrecked on Hinduism to ascertain why this is
happening. What goes around eventually comes back around and this is why
Muslims are suffering. I have no sympathy or feeling for them. What angers me is
that even today in India the dirty ugly b a s t a r d s are still sucking
the blood of Hindus. If Muslims think that what they are experiencing now is
bad, they haven’t seen anything yet. The world is just getting started.

 It makes me sick when I hear you people justifying terrorism by saying that
you are oppressed. Look at South Americans, Look at Africans look at East
Europeans. These people have faced much more hardship than you people have
yet I do not see them producing terrorist organisations. And anyway, for the
all the “Muslim brotherhood” rhetoric and nonsense that I constantly hear
about, why aren’t all the rich, oil owning fat Arabic sheikhs helping their
impoverished Muslims out? Clearly they have MUCH MUCH MUCH more than enough capital to ensure decent living standards in Palestine. The problem isn’t
oppression. The problem is ISLAM.

To hell with Islam!” 
Raj Kumar Bhardwaj

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