

Monday, February 28, 2011

57 varieties and growing

No, not Heinz Catsup, ketchup, whatever way you want to spell it.  The 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Conference(OIC) are the beginning of an organized caliphate, and as the calls for the caliphate grow, until it encompasses the globe continue, there will be more like al-Zawahiri who will add their voice to the strident calls for Islamic supremacy.

Do not be surprised when you hear our leaders, pundits and the MSM tell us that they really don't mean what they say, and that if we are more tolerant of their gripes, we cam all get along.

Or it is all the Jews fault...

Or it is our foreign policy...

Or the dog ate it...

From Feb 28 by Maamoun Youssef

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