

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Islamophobia drives Clinton to bed with the OIC

The international threat of Islamophobia is such a danger that the US feels it prudent to side with the OIC in supporting the anti-religious defamation/censorship of those who question Islam program through the UN.  By taking the side of the OIC we have effectively given up our role as arbiter of fairness and free speech.  We are on the path of full dhimmitude with Obama and Clinton leading the way.

Disgusting and traitorous.

OIC/Islamophobia: OIC Observatory warned since 2009 against the growth of the extreme right in Europe, Washington plans to host a meeting on resolution opposing defamation of religions

JEDDAH-During the next few months, Washington plans to host a coordination meeting to discuss with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) how to implement resolution no. 16/18 on combating defamation of religions, and how to prevent stereotypes depicting religions and their followers; as well as disseminating religious tolerance, which has been endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council last March, in agreement with Western countries. The resolution was adopted after lengthy discussions held between the OIC and countries in which the phenomenon of Islamophobia is in the rise.
The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had announced the intention of the U.S. State Department to organize a coordination meeting during her participation in the meeting which she co-chaired with the OIC Secretary General, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in Istanbul on 15 July 2011. The meeting issued a joint statement emphasizing the dire need for the implementation of resolution 16/18.
According to informed sources in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the two sides, in addition to other European parties, will hold a number of specialized meetings of experts in law and religion in order to finalize the legal aspect on how to better implement the UN resolution.
The sources said that the upcoming meetings aim at developing a legal basis for the UN Human Rights Council’s resolution which help in enacting domestic laws for the countries involved in the issue, as well as formulating international laws preventing inciting hatred resulting from the continued defamation of religions.
On the other hand, the OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, stressed that the crime committed recently in Norway was a result of the rise of the extreme right in Europe and its easy mobility in political circles. He said that the OIC had warned several times against of what might be called institutionalization of the phenomenon of Islamophobia through the involvement of the European extreme right in government institutions and political action.
Islamophobia was created in the wake of homophobia, a term coined by the political gays and used very effectively to demonize those who disagreed with the homosexual agenda.  By stealing the idea and re-phrasing it, the victimization and consequential elevation of Islam and Muslims by the left as the new persecuted class assures the continued lie and the steady insinuation of Islamic doctrine into Western culture.  After all, in the multi-kulti world we supposedly live in, any perceived victim is to be coddled, swathed and paid off.
No one asks why this Islamophobia exists and what may have caused it.  They will not ask, as the answers would just destroy their tissue of lies as easily as a tornado destroys a trailer in Texas. 
He added that the reports of the OIC Islamophobia Observatory for the years 2009 and 2010 had included several warnings about an organized political form which the extreme right may transform into through its parties’ legislation.

1 comment:

A Christian Woman Who Has Lived Under Shariah said...

The death of free speech!
If Resolution 16/18 were passed, I wonder if hate speech against Christians and Jews (and against Hindus and Buddhists) would be prosecuted? Would it become illegal to advocate jihad? Would Friday night sermons in the mosque calling for the destruction of the West and the murder of "infidels" be classified as hate speech? Would the vitriolic rants of Anjem Choudary result in prosecution?
Somehow I think that this would be a one way street.
Anyone criticizing Islam would become the enemy of the state and Islamists would be free to practice their religion as written in the Quran.