

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"There are no legitimate cultural or religious reasons for FGM -- it's child abuse."

Female Genital Mutilation.  We have talked numerous times here about this brutal disfigurement done to maintain the girls "purity" and it is always a difficult subject to bring up.  It is vitally important that we never forget that this practice is sanctioned in Islam, and is done without regard to the health or welfare of the girl.

Where are the feminists, liberals and apologists for Islam?  Shouldn't they be shouting the loudest and standing shoulder to shoulder with these thousands of mutilated girls, demanding an end to this barbaric ritual?

Anyone?  Hello!!

UK Girls At Risk of Mutilation Abroad

Thousands of British schoolgirls as young as eight face being taken abroad this summer to have their genitals mutilated and stitched up to preserve "purity".

A campaign by the Metropolitan Police and Foreign Office will suggest that more than 22,000 girls under the age of 15 risk being taken abroad by their family for "cutting", based on data from The International Centre for Reproductive Health.

Another benefit of unrestricted immigration.

Campaigners say the victims are being failed by a lack of awareness from teachers and neighbours.

Girls may have their outer genitals removed and stitched up to preserve their virginity, with an opening as small as a matchstick head, meaning it can take up to 20 minutes to urinate.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is most common in Muslim areas, from North Africa to the Far East, although Koranic scholars have proclaimed it incompatible with Islam. Engaging or assisting in it carries a prison sentence of up to 14 years in the UK.

A specialist with the Metropolitan Police, Detective Sergeant Vicky Washington, said: "There are no legitimate cultural or religious reasons for FGM -- it's child abuse." 

As a non-Muslim and one who has obviously never read the Qur'an or hadiths of Muhammad, she has no idea what she is talking about.  Culture and religion play the most important roles in the practice of FGM, however she is right in that it is child abuse.

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