

Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Do you have your list made yet?  We all do it to some extent.  We want to try and be better, kinder, slimmer, smarter, fitter and ever so younger.  The problem is, when we try, we usually never accomplish.  Just to try means giving a measure of effort with the knowledge that it probably will not be enough, but that at least I tried.

There is a hugh difference between trying and doing.  Like fishing and catching, you either win, or lose, no other options.  I gave up years ago making a resolution list, simply because I knew they were nothing more than self-serving, meaningless goals which would do almost nothing to help my world be better.  Quit smoking is good, but a good smoke after a meal is better.  5 drinks a day too much?  Cut 'em down to two(or occasionally three).  Run two miles a day?  Not a chance, besides running suits do me a great injustice. 

There are things we all can do this coming New Year that will help the world be a better place.  Here are my suggestions for 2011.

1.  Keep learning.  Information, and the free exchange thereof is a vital link in the chain of communication between humans.  Whatever your passion, ask questions and don't stop until you have the answers. 

2.  Question the meaning of the message you hear, not just the messenger.  Taking things at face value usually means missing a large part of the picture so always ask about that "grain of salt" with which everything is presented.

3.  Believe in your gut.  Our guts usually are correct, but we have a tendency to ignore it in favor of more rational thinking processes.  Do not ignore what the gut tells you, and if it tells you something is not right, listen to it!

4.  Demand proof.  If you think someone is misleading or lying, demand they prove what they say is true.  Sources, references and direct quotes are required to prove truths, nothing less will suffice.

5.  Call your Mother!

Happy New Year, may 2011 bring joy, happiness and enlightenment to all.

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