What is wrong with this picture?

It was taken in Egypt, and the crowd is mainly young Muslim males between the ages of 18 and 45. Oh, and the Nazi flag, right.
From AlMasryAlYoum May 25
After fall of Mubarak, group announces intent to form Nazi party
A group of Egyptians have announced their intent to establish a Nazi party with "a contemporary frame of reference," an independent Egyptian news website said on Wednesday.
Al-Badeel, a leftist news portal, quoted founding member Emad Abdel Sattar as saying the party would bring together prominent figures from the Egyptian society. The party’s founding deputy is a former military official.
Al-Badeel, a leftist news portal, quoted founding member Emad Abdel Sattar as saying the party would bring together prominent figures from the Egyptian society. The party’s founding deputy is a former military official.
The party believes in vesting all powers in the president after selecting him or her carefully, Abdel Sattar said, adding that preparations are underway to choose the most competent person to represent the party.
The Nazi party operated secretly under former President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime prevented party leaders from carrying out their activities freely.
Although Al-Masry Al-Youm could not verify the news reported by Al-Badeel, two Facebook pages have appeared recently under the title of "the Egyptian Nazi Party".
The two pages attracted around 70 followers, who mostly posted questions about the party's ideas and policies and requested details on how to join.
Abdel Sattar told Al-Badeel that members are increasing at an unexpected rate, and several people came to ask about the nature of the party and its plans.
The party has a one-year plan to develop Egypt, unlike the "marginalized liberal parties, which are like dead bodies,” he said.
A source from the proposed party told Al-Badeel the idea to start it came after some fundamentalist religious waves emerged, which, according to the source, created a state of chaos and led to the burning of churches, the destruction of shrines and assaults on unarmed civilians.
The founders want to avoid media attention until they are fully ready, the source said.
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