

Sunday, May 8, 2011

21st century Islamic slavery in Ammerica

In England, the prisons are recruiting grounds for Islamists and jihadists.  Islam in American prisons is growing and recruiting, or Da'wa is happening in many a Greybar Hotel.  No surprise bin-Laden was interested in continuing the Da'wa among the black community as the more converts to Islam, especially large, muscular, disenfranchised black men from prison, the better for the conquest of the globe and the rise of the next caliphate.

From ABC News May 7 by Pierre Thomas

Osama Bin Laden's Anti-U.S. Strategy: Exploit Minority Converts 

Osama bin Laden aspired to damage the United States not only through persistent terror attacks, but also by attempting to inflame race and class tensions in hopes of tearing down the country from the inside out, according to officials briefed on the evidence trove recovered from the al Qaeda leader's Pakistan compound.

According to materials in the cache of documents recovered in the U.S. Navy SEAL raid that brought down the terror leader, bin Laden planned to specifically recruit African-American Muslim converts to carry out attacks on the homeland. The goal was to not only kill and maim in the actual operations, but to create a divisiveness that would cause more damage than al Qaeda could ever hope to do on their own.

"Because there were many blacks in the U.S., he wanted to capitalize on them to further the jihadi cause," one U.S. official told ABC News. "Al Qaeda sees the black convert community as ripe for recruiting."

While it has long been known that radical preachers and some prison imams have targeted the convert community for jihad recruitment, the references show core al Qaeda's keen interest in the tactic.

"This is pretty heady stuff," another person briefed on the material said.

But it's also strategy that civil rights activist and President of the National Action Network Rev. Al Sharpton said was "radical" and outrageous.

"I think it would be the most cynical abuse of African-Americans and America in general," Sharpton told ABC News. "Remember, Osama bin Laden killed blacks, whites, Latinos, everyone on 9/11... For him to use race relations in the U.S. in a way to support his terroristic barbarism is the absolute height of cynicism."

Minority groups have previously suffered in the aftermath of terror attacks or attempted attacks, though most of those incidents have been directed at Muslim-Americans. Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said those incidents are not indicative of the American people and any belief by bin Laden that he could prompt widespread violence in such a way between any groups was a "fantasy."

Uh, no.  The minority group most often attacked because of who they are are the Jews.  FBI statistics from 2009 show attacks on Jews account for over 70% while attacks against Muslims amount to less than 9%.  

"I think the viewpoint reflects more of a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist outlook on American whites than anything based in reality," he said. "I think it's fantasy based on a fundamental misunderstanding of American society." 

There is more, read it all


A Christian Woman Who Has Lived Under Shariah said...

Recruitment in prison for the purpose of conversion to Islam is the most logical place for Islamic proselytism. Angry men in prison for rape, murder, assault and battery, abuse, sex crimes, mayhem and violence find a justifiable outlet for their aggressions in Islam. Now rape and pedophilia become a religious duty because of Islams precepts, i.e... temporary "1 hour" wives (prostitution), multiple wives, 5 year old brides, and the rape and enslavement of women taken as "spoils of war" from conquered populations. Rape is for all intents and purposes virtually non existent in Islam, because of the requirement for 4 male witnesses to actually see the rapist committing the rape! Without those 4 male witnesses, there is no rape. Beating your wife, no problem because the Quran encourages men to beat their wives as a chastisement for displeasing husbands. What irresistible enticements for those possessing these twisted predilections! Murder becomes a religious obligation (jihad), one needs only to hear about, read about or see someone disrespecting, defaming or disagreeing with the Quran (and of course the victim must be an infidel). Slavery is allowed, look to the behavior of the perfect man, the "prophet" Mohammed, and view the long history of Islam and its involvement in the slave trade, especially the enslavement Africans. The greatest slave traders the world has ever known were the Arabs. Only 5% of Africans taken into slavery ever reached the United States, the other 95% were enslaved by their Arab masters and sold to various high bidders around the world or kept as slaves in the Middle East. The practice of slavery in the Middle East continued well into the 20th century with Saudi Arabia having as many as half a million slaves in the late 1950's. As many as 200,000 black south Sudanese women and children, taken mostly from the Dinka tribe, were sold by the Sudanese Arabs, having been taken into slavery during the Second Sudanese Civil War in 1983. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania outlawed slavery in 1981 and only criminalized the owning of a slave in August of 2007.
Stealing is sanctioned in Islam, as long as the victim of theft is an infidel, and for those Muslims caught stealing from another Muslim, the punishment inflicted on thieves (beheading, stoning, disemboweling, hanging, amputating limbs and gouging out eyes) helps to satisfy those men posessing a sadistic streak, after all they are inflicting these "punishments" in the name of God. In Islam criminal acts have undergone a metamorphosis, what was once a crime has now been transformed into religious duty.
Islam frequently uses the race card as a reason why the religion of "peace" is not accepted by Westerners. They love to portray the conflict between Islam and the West as an issue between "brown and white" skin. If Islam is truly THE universal religion that Muslims say that it is, a religion to be accepted and practiced by the entire world, why would Islam foment tensions between the races? Aren't blond, blue eyed Muslims living in Sweden just as valuable as Muslims born in Pakistan? What about Asian Muslims and red haired Muslims, are they not equal to Muslims living in Saudi Arabia? The fact that Islam uses race to foment violence and discord between peoples, reveals its inherently racist attitudes. How unspeakably RACIST to target a "captive" population, i.e... African Americans living in prison, exploiting their anger in order to further Islams bloody march through the world.

A Christian Woman Who Has Lived Under Shariah said...

From the book, "The Terrorist Next Door" by Erik Stakelbeck: "Increasingly, terror recruiters are connecting with psychologically unstable
people, usually through the Internet, and helping to transform them
into the unlikeliest of jihadis. As a result, the terrorists next door are now
taking up more real estate than ever before.
In recent years, social outcasts have increasingly found appeal in
Islamism. They might be lonely nerds, love-starved women, ex-cons, or
people who grew up in abusive families. Some are white converts to Islam,
others are African-American or Hispanic. All have one thing in common:
they find a meaning and purpose in the jihadist cause that they previously
lacked in life. In the old days, they may have joined a cult, hooked up
with a street gang, or listened to the darkest form of heavy metal music.
But with the advent of the Internet came a sudden host of causes and
interests that an angry, disturbed, or alienated person could latch on to
simply by clicking a mouse. Some have gone out searching for answers
and acceptance on the Web and found Islam’s rigid system of absolutes
to be anchors in what had previously been chaotic, aimless lives.
A more fundamental transformation occurs when they learn about
the Koran-mandated duty to wage jihad against all non-Muslims and
to completely subjugate the world to Islam. For the first time in what
they themselves often view as their wretched lives, these misfits become
part of something bigger, something that matters—a powerful, worldchanging
movement. Overnight, one can go from being a friendless sad
sack or a directionless street thug to being a member of the ummah, or
global Islamic community, simply by entering a jihadi chat room or
Freaks, Geeks, and Jihadis 115
sharing an al-Qaeda video on YouTube. For an ex-con or a lonely,
tormented soul who blames his failures and unhappiness on a U.S.
system and society that has done them wrong, aiding and abetting
America’s enemies in a jihad against that very power structure is a
perfect way to gain revenge.
Furthermore, for many young, radicalized converts, Islamism is the
new rebellion—dangerous, scary, dark, and forbidden. Some have
referred to this appeal as “Jihadi Cool.”11 You want to upset your parents
and rebel against authority? Forget drugs, graffiti, stealing a car, or shaving
your hair into a spiked orange mohawk. These days, it doesn’t get
much edgier than hooking up online with a hip-hop loving British kid
who’s secretly communicating with al-Qaeda leaders—and who just
happens to be planning to blow up some subway cars in London. Forget
the Bloods and Crips—it doesn’t get more “gangsta” than al-Qaeda. And
unlike most gangs, the jihadist movement has a clear, well-defined goal:
the reestablishment of a global Islamic caliphate and the imposition of
Islamic sharia law on one and all. The global jihad also has no shortage
of inflammatory rallying cries: Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia,
Iraq, Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo Bay, just to name a few.
You can almost hear the seductive whispers of the Islamo-pimps and
martyrdom-pushers as they beckon to a lost, angry American over the Web:
America—the country that has failed you personally and
spread misery throughout the world—is waging a genocidal
war against peace-loving, impoverished Muslims and must be
stopped. Only through Islamic unity and jihad can this
be accomplished, and thus can peace, justice, and equality be
established at last in a wicked world. Join our cause, my eager
young convert, and you can help change the world. Oh, and if
you blow yourself up and take a few infidels with you, you’ll
drink the choicest wine and cavort with seventy-two virgins in
the afterlife. See you in Waziristan in two weeks—pack light".