

Friday, May 6, 2011

Danish court convicts man for his statements on Islam

Another blow by Islamists and jihadists to free speech and the right to speak one's mind.


From CBN May 4 by Dale Hurd

Court Finds Man Guilty for 'Racist' Muslim Comments

A Danish court has found a leading Islamic expert guilty of racism for his comments about Muslims, the latest ruling in an ongoing battle between free speech and Islam in Europe.

Again, what race is Islam?

Lars Hedegaard was charged with racism under Denmark's hate speech law after telling someone at a gathering about the problem of rape committed against Muslim girls by male relatives.

"Of course I made clear that I was not talking about every Muslim man in the country or in the world. By the way, I was not talking specifically about conditions in Denmark," Hedegaard explained.

Hedegaard said it's a fact that can be backed up by hard evidence. But in Denmark, that doesn't matter.

Under Denmark's hate speech law, it doesn't matter if what you said was true. It doesn't matter if it is factual - if it offends someone, you could be charged.

The sheer madness of a law such as this one makes it impossible for one to speak the truth about anything.  What the hell are the Danes thinking?

A guilty verdict hinged on whether what Hedegaard said was intended for a wider audience. A lower court decided it was not, and acquitted him.

Meanwhile, in a Dutch court on Monday, Dutch parliament member Geert Wilders denounced his hate speech trial as "unjust." He branded it a "political trial" and an attempt to suppress free speech.

Wilders is on trial for comparing Islam to fascism.

Wilders outcome is still up in the air, but after this debaucle his fate may be sealed. 


Jay Knott said...

For once, I agree with you. Hate speech laws are odious. "Under Denmark's hate speech law, it doesn't matter if what you said was true. It doesn't matter if it is factual - if it offends someone, you could be charged". But the main beneficiary of white self-loathing is not Islam, but Israel, whose supporters are keen proponents of liberal opposition to free speech, as you guys in Eugene know.

A Christian Woman Who Has Lived Under Shariah said...

Taqiyya Jay, taqiyya! Censorship in Israel? Sure, that's why over 2 million ARABS (Muslims) VOLUNTARILY live in Israel, the ONLY democracy in the Middle East. Israel enjoys the highest standard of living found anywhere in the Middle East, and grants Arabs (Muslims) living there the right to vote. Arabs even have their own representation in the Knesset, Israels ruling body. Now how many Middle Eastern (Islamic) countries grant Jews the very same rights as their Muslim citizens? Can we say NONE Jay?

"Self loathing whites" however find their highest expression when voicing support of ISLAM. Afraid of being branded "Islamaphobic" they ignore the atrocities committed by Muslims every day around the world, e.g, 6 year old "wives", "1 hour wives", female genital mutilation, jizya, death sentences for apostates and rape victims, gross inequality between the sexes, dhimmitude, slavery, genocide, violence, murder, repression, enforced ignorance and institutionalized hatred. Jay when you falsely conclude that animosity towards Islam is racially biased, "white" skin against "brown" skin, you invalidate and negate Islams very claim of universality. You reduce Islam to a simplistic manichean construct meant to discourage critical thought and disguise Islams racist and sexist ideology as theological argument.